Form 8955-SSA (2023)

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Get your Form 8955-SSA in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Form 8955-SSA
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Form 8955-SSA
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Form 8955-SSA

What Is Form 8955-SSA?

Form 8955-SSA is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form used by plan administrators to report information about separated plan participants who have deferred vested benefits. It is also known as the Annual Registration Statement Identifying Separated Participants With Deferred Vested Benefits.

The form is required for plans subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) with at least one participant with deferred vested benefits. These benefits are those that participants have earned but have not yet received because they are not yet eligible for distribution. 

Also please remember that form 8955-SSA must be filed annually, and it is due by the last day of the seventh month after the plan year ends. For example, if the plan year ends on December 31, the form is due by July 31 of the following year.

Form 8955-SSA Screenshot

How To Fill Out Form 8955-SSA Online

If you need to file form 8955-SSA pdf, you have the option to do it online using the PDFliner website. Here are the steps to fill out IRS form 8955 SSA online:

  1. Plan Year: Enter the beginning and ending dates of the plan year.
  2. Next, check if the plan is a government, church, or other plan voluntarily filing Form 8955-SSA.
  3. Check if this is an amended registration statement.
  4. Also, check the appropriate box if filing under Form 5558, automatic extension, or special extension.
  5. Enter the name of the plan and Plan Number (PN).
  6. Next, type in all requested information about the plan sponsor.
  7. Enter details of the plan administrator.
  8. Provide the previous details if there have been changes in the plan administrator's or sponsor's name or EIN.
  9. If there have been changes, enter the previous details of the plan sponsor.
  10. Report participants who separated with a deferred vested benefit.
  11. Also, report participants who separated with a deferred vested benefit voluntarily.
  12. Type in the total number of participants reported on lines 6a and 6b.
  13. Confirm if individual statements were provided to each participant as required.
  14. Sign the form under penalties of perjury, declaring the accuracy and completeness of the information provided.

Screenshot Form 8955-SSA (2023) signing

What should form 8955-SSA include

Form 8955-SSA is used to report information about separated participants with vested benefits in qualified retirement plans. Here's what it should include:

  • Plan sponsor's name, address, and employer identification number (EIN)
  • Plan name and plan number
  • The plan year-end date
  • The number of separated participants with vested benefits
  • The name, social security number, and last known address of each separated participant with vested benefits
  • The date the participant terminated employment
  • The amount of the participant's vested benefits

When to request form 8955-SSA

Here are some situations when you might need to request form 8955-SSA:

  • You are a plan sponsor and you need to report information about separated participants with vested benefits.
  • You are a plan administrator and you need to report information about separated participants with vested benefits.
  • You are a participant in a qualified retirement plan and you need information about your vested benefits. In this case, you would request the information from the plan sponsor or administrator who would then use this form to report the information.

Form Versions

2021 Fillable Form 8955-SSA (2021) Fill Out Form
2022 Fillable Form 8955-SSA (2022) Fill Out Form
Fillable online Form 8955-SSA
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