FA012 Form


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Get your FA012 Form in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill FA012 Form
  • 02 Sign it online Sign FA012 Form
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export FA012 Form

What Is Proof of Care Arrangements by Centrelink

FA012, or Child Care Arrangement Form, is a document developed by the Australian government for divorced parents to confirm their child's care arrangements. If you were asked to provide your child's care arrangements details, you should fill out and send this form within 14 days.

What do I need Centrelink form FA012 for

FA012 Form Screenshot

You are required to complete a FA012 online form in the following cases:

  • to provide information about your child's care arrangement;
  • when applying for or getting Child Care Subsidy or Family Tax Benefit, if your child(-ren) stay with someone else except for you and your current partner;
  • to estimate your rate of payout under family assistance regulations.

Organizations that work with care arrangement form

  • Australian government
  • Lawyers

How to Fill Out Form FA012

Step 1: Click the “Fill this form” button to get a fillable Child Care Arrangements in Divorce Form and complete it online with our service functionality.
Step 2: Read the first four pages of the form as they contain supportive instructions provided by the Australian services.
Step 3: Enter your contact data (name, phone number, address, etc.) on page 5.
Step 4: Page 6 is devoted to your current relationship status and requires information about your partner.
Step 5: Page 7 requires dependent children's data and clarifies your partner's relationship to this child(-ren).
Step 6: Pages 8-10 are dedicated to your children's parenting schedule.
Step 7: Page 11 contains fields for extra care arrangement details.
Step 8: Ensure that all required questions are replied to and the document is signed and dated.
Step 9: Click the “Done” button to download a printable PDF on your PC.

FA012 Form Screenshot 2

FAQ: FA012 Form Popular Questions

  • What is evidence of care arrangement in FA012 form Centrelink?

    There is no definitive answer to this question, as the evidence required may vary depending on the specific care arrangement being assessed by Centrelink. However, some examples of evidence that may be requested could include documentation outlining the care arrangement (e.g. a signed contract), proof of regular payments being made to the carer, and/or statements from both the carer and the care recipient confirming the arrangement.

  • How is child care percentage calculated?

    The child care percentage is calculated by taking the number of children in care and dividing it by the total number of children in the family.

  • Why do I need a Child care arrangement form?

    The FA012 form PDF is a document that is used by parents to provide child care providers with information about the child's daily routine, including the times when the child is to be picked up and dropped off, as well as any other important information about the child's care.

Printable FA012 Form PDF
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