Condition of Rental Property Checklist


(4.6 / 5) 47 votes

Get your Condition of Rental Property Checklist in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Condition of Rental Property Checklist
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Condition of Rental Property Checklist
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Condition of Rental Property Checklist

Condition of Rental Property Checklist Form: An Overview

For any property owner, it is crucial to carry out regular checkups on rented places, ensuring the property's condition stays optimally maintained. Often, these checkups necessitate using a condition of rental property checklist. This tool allows for the appropriate tracking of your real estate's physical condition, thus facilitating any needed repairs or renovations

Importance of the condition of rental property checklist

This checklist proves crucial in many scenarios. It comes in handy when determining if and when the tenant becomes responsible for any damages that were not present at the beginning of the occupancy. This form ensures fairness and accountability in terms of damage and repairs between the tenant and landlord.

In most instances, it is also a legal requirement and promotes great relationships between the two parties. A condition of the rental property checklist template can be tailored to serve both parties' specific needs and requirements. 

How to Fill Out Condition of Rental Property Checklist Template

Many people often wonder, "how to fill out this form?" Here's how it goes:

  1. Start with the Property Address and Apartment Number fields, and type the full address and apartment number of the rental property. 
  2. Next, fill in the Landlord/Manager Name field by entering the name of the landlord or property manager in charge of the property.
  3. Proceed to fill in the Tenant Name fields with the names of all tenants renting the property. 
  4. Under the sections labeled as 'Item', 'Condition on Arrival', and 'Condition on Departure', provide specificity on all the different items and rooms in the rented property. 
  5. In the 'Item' column, list the items and corresponding rooms found in the rental. 
  6. In the next column marked 'Condition on Arrival', indicate the state of each item upon the tenant’s arrival. 
  7. In the last column named 'Condition on Departure', leave it blank until the tenant's leaving when you will indicate the state of each item at the end of the tenancy.
  8. The Move-In Inspection Date field should accurately indicate the date on which the move-in inspection occurred. 
  9. In the fields marked as 'Owner/Agent Signature' and 'Tenant Signature', fill in the relevant information once the move-in inspection has been completed. If there are multiple tenants, each tenant's name should be typed into the corresponding 'Tenant Signature' field.
  10. The Move-Out Inspection Date field should be filled out with the date on which the rental property was inspected for the final time at the end of the tenancy. 
  11. Similar to the move-in inspection, the relevant signatures should be typed into the 'Owner/Agent Signature' and 'Tenant Signature' fields to correspond with the completion of the move-out inspection.

Common mistakes with a condition of rental property checklist pdf

When utilizing a condition of rental property checklist form, there are some common errors that landlords and tenants often make. By remaining aware of these, you can ensure a smoother, more accurate and productive evaluation of the property.

  • Not Thoroughly Inspecting the Property: A critical yet common mistake that many individuals make while using the condition of rental property checklist form involves a lack of thorough inspection. Each detail, no matter how minuscule it might seem, can be of significance when it comes to damage assessments and reparations.
  • Skipping the Sign-Off: Both the tenant and landlord need to sign off on the condition of rental property checklist PDF after its completion but, surprisingly, some tend to overlook this essential step. This signature is a sign of acknowledgment and agrees to the stated conditions of the property, facilitating future legal procedures, if necessary.
  • Not Documenting with Photos: Some tenants and landlords fail to capture photographic evidence when filling out the condition of rental property checklist. Photos provide robust proof of damages and conditions at the start of the lease and can help resolve disputes effectively.
  • Lack of Copies: The completed condition of rental property checklist should be duplicated, with the tenant and landlord each keeping a copy. Not doing this can lead to situations where there is no access to the original document, leading to complications in case of disputes.
Fillable online Condition of Rental Property Checklist
(4.6 / 5) 47 votes
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