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A-3 Annual Reconciliation of Alabama Income Tax Withheld


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Get your A-3 Annual Reconciliation of Alabama Income Tax Withheld in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill A-3 Annual Reconciliation of Alabama Income Tax Withheld
  • 02 Sign it online Sign A-3 Annual Reconciliation of Alabama Income Tax Withheld
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export A-3 Annual Reconciliation of Alabama Income Tax Withheld

Understanding the Alabama A 3 Form

An A 3 form Alabama, also known as the Annual Reconciliation of Alabama Income Tax Withheld, is a document employers in Alabama must fill out. It details the total state income tax withheld from employees' earnings throughout the year.  This form has a crucial role in ensuring accurate records and compliance with Alabama state tax laws. It should be submitted annually, even if no tax was withheld throughout the covered year. 

A-3 Annual Reconciliation of Alabama Income Tax Withheld Screenshot

Key elements of the Alabama form A-3

There are several sections and boxes to fill on the Alabama A-3 Form. Here are the key elements and what they mean:

  • Identifying Information – Here, the employer inputs their business name, address, city, state, ZIP, Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), and the State of Alabama Department of Revenue Withholding Account Number.
  • Report Year – This field captures the year for which the A-3 form is being completed.
  • Total Alabama Income Tax Withheld – The company must total all Alabama income tax withheld during the year and record this amount in this section. 
  • Total Amount of Wages – Total all the wages, salaries, commissions, and other forms of payment given to all employees and enter it here.

How to Fill Out A 3 Form Alabama

Filling the Alabama Form A-3 does not have to be a daunting task. So, here is step-by-step how to fill out the form for Alabama:

  1. Input your federal employer identification number in the designated box on the form. This ID is a nine-digit number assigned to your business by the IRS.
  2. Enter your Social Security Number next to your Federal Employer Identification Number. Double-check this number to ensure accuracy. 
  3. Type your company's Legal Business Name in the next section. Make sure to enter it exactly as it's registered. 
  4. Fill your company's mailing address into the specified boxes. Firstly, include the street number and name, then the city, state, and zip code. 
  5. Mark the chosen option in the 'type of form' section by clicking on the appropriate square box to indicate if the form is original, amended, or a consolidated filing. 
  6. Insert the tax year into the 'period' section. This four-digit number represents the fiscal year that this form is documenting. 
  7. Divide your withheld Alabama income tax into the twelve months of the year and put the respective figures in the 'Tax withheld' column under the corresponding month.
  8. Look at the 'Total Payment Made' section and enter the total number of taxes you paid throughout the year.
  9. Provide the 'Total amount of wages' paid during the year to your employees in the respective box. 
  10. Next, input the total number of W-2s issued in the field provided. 
  11. Review the details to ensure that every figure matches your records, and correct any errors if they present.
  12. Lastly, sign and date this Alsbama form. 
  13. After verifying that all information is correct, you may download or print the completed template.

When to file form A-3

The Alabama A-3 form must be submitted by the last day of February of the following year after which the income taxes were withheld. Failure to do so could result in penalties.

Fillable online A-3 Annual Reconciliation of Alabama Income Tax Withheld
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