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Tennessee Warranty Deed Form


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Get your Tennessee Warranty Deed Form in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Tennessee Warranty Deed Form
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Tennessee Warranty Deed Form
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Tennessee Warranty Deed Form

What Is a Special Warranty Deed In Tennessee?

A Special Warranty Deed is a legal document that is used to transfer property ownership from one party to another in the state of Tennessee. The deed guarantees that the seller of the property has the legal right to transfer ownership and protects the buyer from any defects in the title that may have arisen during the seller's ownership of the property.

Also, you should remember that, unlike a Tennessee general warranty deed form that offers more comprehensive protection, a Special Warranty Deed only covers the time when the seller owned the property.

Tennessee Warranty Deed Form Screenshot

How to Make Tennessee Warranty Deed Form

To fill out the warranty deed Tennessee form correctly you should adhere to the following points:

  • Get a copy of the form: You can find and fill out the free warranty deed form Tennessee on the PDFliner website.
  • Identify the parties involved: The deed should begin with the name of the grantor (seller) and grantee (buyer).
  • Describe the property: The legal description of the property being conveyed must be included in the deed. It should include the address, tax identification number, and any other relevant information.
  • State the consideration: The amount of money being paid for the property should be stated in the deed.
  • Insert special warranty language: The language of the special warranty should be inserted in the deed, explicitly stating the limitations of the grantor's liability for the title.
  • Sign and notarize: The deed should be signed by the grantor and notarized by a notary public.

How to Get a Warranty Deed In Tennessee

To obtain a Tennessee warranty deed form, follow these steps:

  1. Hire an attorney: An attorney can help prepare the necessary documents, provide guidance on the legal requirements, and ensure the deed complies with Tennessee law.
  2. Draft the deed: The attorney will draft the deed according to the requirements of Tennessee law.
  3. Check the form: Review the form carefully and make any necessary revisions.
  4. Execute the document: The grantor must sign the agreement in the presence of a notary, who will notarize the signature.
  5. Register the contract: The deed must be filed with the Register of Deeds in the county where the property is located.

Common Uses Of Tennessee Warranty Deed Form

Usually, this document is used in cases such as:

  • Sale of real estate: A Warranty Deed is commonly used to transfer real estate ownership from one party to another.
  • Gift of real estate: A Warranty Deed can also be used to transfer ownership of real estate as a gift.
  • Inheritance: A Warranty Deed can be used to transfer real estate ownership from an estate to an heir.
  • Adding or removing a name from the title: A Warranty Deed can be used to add or remove a name from the title of a property.
  • Transfer of ownership to a trust: A Warranty Deed can be used to transfer ownership of the real estate to a trust.
Fillable online Tennessee Warranty Deed Form
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