Marriage Certificate Template


(4.5 / 5) 69 votes

Get your Marriage Certificate Template in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Marriage Certificate Template
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Marriage Certificate Template
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Marriage Certificate Template

1. What is Fillable Marriage Certificate Template?

Fillable Marriage Certificate Template is a document that will help two people to prove that they are married. The document shows the name of people who have married, place, and date.

2. What I need a Fillable Marriage Certificate Template for?

You will need Fillable Marriage Certificate Template in order to:

  • Prove that you are legally married to someone.

Usually, you will be able to use it while getting a passport, visa, or any other important document. You will also have to provide courts with Fillable Marriage Certificate Template in case of divorce or legal separation.

3. How to fill out Fillable Marriage Certificate Template?

Marriage Certificate Template Screenshot

First of all, you will see all the fillable information right on the front page of the certificate. Start filling out the name of the people who married. After that, you will be able to see the “Place” field, where you will have to specify the location and time of the marriage. At the bottom of the Fillable Marriage Certificate Template, you will be able to put the signature and actual date. These are the only things you will have to specify while filling out the Fillable Marriage Certificate Template.

4. Organizations that work with Fillable Marriage Certificate Template 

  • State Clerk Office.
Fillable online Marriage Certificate Template
(4.5 / 5) 69 votes
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