Form W-147Q


(4.5 / 5) 76 votes

Get your Form W-147Q in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Form W-147Q
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Form W-147Q
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Form W-147Q

What Is NYC Form W-147Q?

The w 147q form is also known as the verification of the secondary tenant’s residence and housing costs. This is a document that must be provided by the tenant to confirm that other tenants share the residence in New York City with this person.

The tenant who files the form w 147q must be mentioned in the lease. This agreement will not work without total approval from the landlord. The original lease has only one name in the document that stands in the tenant column.

An additional tenant signed into the agreement can be part of the family or just a friend who needs to rent the house and share it with others.

While the form was created by the NYC Department of Social Services, the first person who must receive it is the landlord. Once you agree to accept the new occupant you have to discuss this question with the landlord and send the document within 30 days. After that, you can take payment from the tenant.

Form W-147Q Screenshot

What I need the W-147Q form for?

  • The primary tenant requires the form to warn the landlord about changes in the number of people who rent the house. Even if you lived there with the whole family and there is one more person coming to join you landlord must be aware of it;
  • The landlord needs form w147q to check out the situation in the apartment or the house that is rented. Based on the number of people the services, as well as the payment that was originally discussed by both parties, can be changed. There is a limit of people that the landlord can name in advance;
  • This form is also required by the NYC Department of Social Services to make sure that both parties agree on the conditions and that no one is using the trust of the other party.

How to Fill Out Form W-147Q?

The HRA form w-147q is available on PDFLiner. You can enter the document by pressing the icon with it. There are numerous tools that allow you to fill out the form online. Once you complete it, you can download it on the device, and send it to the landlord online or by email. You may print it and hand it manually. The form is not big. It is easy to understand even if it is your first form to complete. You may start by providing the next information in NYC form w 147q:

  1. Write down the date, case number, name, and the number of the center. If you don’t know this information you can find it in the Department of Homeless Services;
  2. Include the primary tenant name and the secondary tenant name;
  3. Fill in the section about the house or apartment address you live in;
  4. Name the entire family member that lives in the household together with the secondary tenant;
  5. Provide the information on the cost of the rent for the secondary tenant;
  6. Put the tick in the box near the right answer to the 5th question;
  7. Provide information about the person who accepts payment from a secondary tenant;
  8. Add the phone number;
  9. Put the primary tenant's signature and date.

W-147Q Form Screenshot

Organizations that work with form W-147Q

  • Department of Social Services New York City.
Fillable online Form W-147Q
(4.5 / 5) 76 votes
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