Fillable Afghanistan Tazkira Format


(4.8 / 5) 100 votes

Get your Afghanistan Tazkira Format in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Afghanistan Tazkira Format
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Afghanistan Tazkira Format
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Afghanistan Tazkira Format

What Is a Tazkira in Afghanistan?

In essence, the Tazkira is a legal document issued by the government of Afghanistan. It verifies your Afghan identity and contains essential information such as your name, date of birth, and place of birth, province, district, and village, along with your parent's and grandparent's details. 

Importance of the Afghanistan Tazkira format

In Afghanistan, the Tazkira is paramount. It's required for almost every governmental and non-governmental transaction, for instance, university registrations, visa applications, official appointments, and more. Therefore, understanding the Tazkira format is not a luxury but necessary for anyone interacting with Afghan society or administrative processes.

How to Fill Out Afghanistan Tazkira Format

Now, understanding how to complete this form is relatively straightforward:

  1. Start by filling out the 'Personal Details' section. Input your Title, Family Name, Given Names into the respective fields. 
  2. Add your Father’s Full Name, and Grandfather’s Full Name. 
  3. Enter your Date of Birth in the Gregorian format (DD / MMM / YYYY).
  4. Mention your Place of Birth details, including Country, Province / State, District / Suburb, Village. 
  5. Indicate your Marital Status as Single, Engaged, Married, Separated, Widow/Widower, or Divorced. 
  6. Select your Gender. 
  7. State whether you have a Child Under 18 Years by choosing Yes or No.
  8. Input your Country of Residence and any Other Nationalities you hold. 
  9. Add your physical description, such as Height in centimeters, Hair Colour, Eye colour, and any Other Distinguishing Marks.
  10. Next, fill out the 'Contact Details' section. Mention your Current Address, Previous Address, Email Address, Work Tel, Home Tel, and Fax. 
  11. Move on to the 'Employment Details' section. Fill out your Occupation, Employer, Employers Address and, if applicable, Previous Employer information. 
  12. In 'Other Details' section, select your Passport Type, whether that's Ordinary, Diplomatic, or Service. 
  13. Indicate your Identification type from the options provided: Identity Card, Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate or Passport.
  14. If you have ever had an Afghan passport, select 'Yes'. If not, select 'No'. If you selected 'Yes', provide your Previous Passport Number, Passport Type, Issue Date, Expiry Date.
  15. Indicate whether you have a criminal record by selecting 'Yes' or 'No'. If you selected 'Yes', provide relevant details. 
  16. Next, fill in the 'Purpose of Travel' section. Choose your purpose from the options, such as Business, Convention/Conference, Education, Employment, Exhibition, Visiting Friends/Family, Holiday, or Other.
  17. Attach your Passport Photograph in the designated section.
  18. Sign the form and insert the current date in the format (DD / MMM / YYYY) in the respective sections.

Points to remember

Obtaining an Afghanistan Tazkira requires careful attention to detail when filling out the Afghanistan Tazkira form. This means:

  • Providing complete and accurate personal information, starting with your full name, your father's and grandfather's names, your gender, and date of birth.
  • Confirming your professional status, marital status, and place of birth is crucial.
  • Make sure to supply the correct contact details, address, and your immediate family's information.
  • Finally, reviewing the document thoroughly before submitting it is paramount to avoid any delays or issues during the processing.
  • Being prepared with the necessary supporting documents that might be asked for is also a must.

Fillable online Afghanistan Tazkira Format
(4.8 / 5) 100 votes
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