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DE 4 Form


(4.9 / 5) 52 votes

Get your DE 4 Form in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill DE 4 Form
  • 02 Sign it online Sign DE 4 Form
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export DE 4 Form

What Is California Form DE 4?

Also referred to as Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate, it’s a form utilized for withholding tax from your new employee’s wages. Each employee should file the DE 4 form, along with a federal form W-4, so make sure it’s your priority. You can find a pre-made template of the California form DE-4 here in the extensive PDFLiner blank form library, along with other niche-oriented templates and customization tools to cater to your most specific needs.

DE 4 Form Screenshot

What do I need the California DE 4 form for?

Here’s what you need this form for:

  • calculating the amount of taxes to be withheld from your salary by your employer;
  • accurately reflecting your state tax withholding obligation.

Along with the tax form DE 4, PDFLiner features a breadth of other pre-designed form templates catering to a multitude of niches: healthcare, finance, taxes, immigration, and many more. Whether you’re on the prowl for this particular template or need any other form, your chances of finding it here on PDFLiner get a mighty boost.

How to Fill Out the DE 4 Form

The document features four pages. The second, third, and fourth pages are nonfillable and are for informational purposes only. The first one should be carefully filled out with maximum attention to detail and precision.

The remaining informational pages should be relied upon in case any questions arise as you progress through the form completion. Don’t forget that in case you find completing the form challenging, you can always seek professional advice or assistance.

Now that your "What is a DE 4 form?" question has been answered, you’re free to complete it so that your employer can withhold the correct California state income tax from your paycheck. Follow these steps to succeed:

  1. Indicate your full name.
  2. Type your social security number.
  3. Specify the details about the allowances you’re claiming.
  4. Add your signature.
  5. Add current date.

In the Employer’s section of the form, there should be your employer’s name and address, along with the California employer payroll tax account number. Consider completing this form digitally, for it’s the fastest and most error-proof way of managing your documentation. With PDFLiner, you can also add a legally binding digital signature to the document and save heaps of your valuable time along the way. Our e-signatures are legitimate, completely secure, and addable in a flash.

Organizations that work with the form

  • EDD (Employment Development Department in California).
Fillable online DE 4 Form
(4.9 / 5) 52 votes
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