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Auto Repair (Mechanic) Invoice Template


(4.8 / 5) 57 votes

Get your Auto Repair (Mechanic) Invoice Template in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Auto Repair (Mechanic) Invoice Template
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Auto Repair (Mechanic) Invoice Template
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Auto Repair (Mechanic) Invoice Template

What is a Fillable Auto Repair (Mechanic) Invoice Template?

The Fillable Auto Repair (Mechanic) Invoice Template is a document that was created especially for mechanics, so they could provide their customers with a billing for the services. You can download the Fillable Auto Repair (Mechanic) Invoice Template for free.

Auto Repair Mechanic Invoice Template Screenshot 1

What I need the fillable mechanic’s receipt for?

You will have to use the Fillable Auto Repair (Mechanic) Invoice Template if:

  • You are auto repair company or a mechanic that often provides the related services to the customers;
  • You want to make the billing for your services easily understandable.

The document allows you to list all the services that were provided and the car parts that were purchased. 

Filling Out Auto Repair (Mechanic) Invoice Template

First of all, you will have to mention the repair shop name, its phone number, street address, fax number, city, State, Zip code, Email, and Website. The next section that should be filled out is called “Bill To”. There you should write the name of the client, his or her street address, city, State, Zip code, the date when the document was issued, and the due date. The invoice number can be specified.

You will see the “Parts” section. There you should put the description of the purchased parts, their quantity, specify the unit price, and write down the total amount of money. The “Labor” section allows you to specify the services you performed. You can also specify the price per hour. Do not forget to write the total cost. The special instructions can be written down at the bottom of the document in the required field.

Auto Repair Mechanic Invoice Template Screenshot 2

Organizations that work with fillable receipt for car repair

  • Any Auto Repair Shop.


How to fill out Mechanic Receipt Form with PDFLiner

Step 1: Click the Fill out Form button to open the auto repair receipts template.

Step 2: Enter your official information.

Step 3: Enter your client's information and an invoice total amount.

Step 4: Fill out the parts table with quantity, description, pricing and total amount.

Step 5: Fill out the labor table with timing, description of labor. pricing and total amount.

Step 6: Enter the due date of payment and write comments if needed.

Fillable online Auto Repair (Mechanic) Invoice Template
(4.8 / 5) 57 votes
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