Sample Autoclave Log Sheet


(4.8 / 5) 53 votes

Get your Sample Autoclave Log Sheet in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Sample Autoclave Log Sheet
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Sample Autoclave Log Sheet
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Sample Autoclave Log Sheet

What Is an Autoclave Log Sheet?

An autoclave log sheet forms a detailed record used for monitoring the efficiency of an autoclave. This document contains data like date and time of sterilization, person operating the device, temperature, duration, and any other notes about the operation. Frequent and detailed logging ensures easy troubleshooting, accountability, and adherence to protocols.

Purpose of the autoclave log sheet on PDFliner

The digital version of the autoclave log sheet on PDFliner does not only improve accessibility but also enhances storage and retrieval, contributing to better office or lab records management. Since paper-based log sheets can deteriorate over time and are prone to damage or loss, the digitized file reduces these risks and makes it easier to share, duplicate, or back up important records.

How to Fill Out Autoclave Log Sheet PDF

To complete the Autoclave Log Sheet on PDFLiner, follow these steps to ensure accurate and comprehensive record-keeping:

  1. Start by entering the autoclave's make and model, along with the lab or facility name at the top of the log sheet.
  2. Record the name of the autoclave owner, and the principal investigator or supervisor overseeing the operations, including their phone number.
  3. Specify the location of the autoclave, indicating both the building and room number.
  4. Enter the cycle date and clearly describe the contents being autoclaved.
  5. Choose the sterilization cycle type that is appropriate for the contents. Note the total cycle time in minutes.
  6. Record the maximum pressure reached during the cycle in psi and the temperature.
  7. Document the sterilization result, marking either 'Pass' or 'Fail' based on the outcome of the cycle.
  8. If applicable, use chemical and biological integrators or indicators. Note the results for both, marking as 'Pass' or 'Fail'.
  9. Include any relevant operator comments, which could pertain to observations, issues during the cycle, or additional steps taken to ensure the effectiveness of the sterilization process.
  10. Ensure all data is legible and all required fields are completed to maintain accurate records for future reference and compliance purposes.
  11. For additional resources, including a template for the autoclave log sheet, visit the autoclave log sheet download section on PDFLiner.
Fillable online Sample Autoclave Log Sheet
(4.8 / 5) 53 votes
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