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REG 138, Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability


(4.6 / 5) 108 votes

Get your REG 138, Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill REG 138, Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability
  • 02 Sign it online Sign REG 138, Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export REG 138, Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability

What Is REG 138 Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability?

A REG 138 form is also known as a Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability. This notice was created by the California State Department of Motor Vehicles. You need to file the DMV Release of Liability CA once you find a buyer for the vehicle or the person you want to transfer your vehicle. The department needs the Release of Liability CA form during the next 5 days when the agreement between the seller and the buyer is made.

REG 138 Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability Screenshot

What do I need the REG 138 notice of transfer and release of liability for?

  • You have to file the DMV release of liability PDF to transfer legal rights of the ownership of the vehicle to another person;
  • The DMV REG 138 blank must be filled out before you remove the name from the records of the DMV. It will help a new owner to apply for ownership;
  • The new owner needs the CA DMV Release of Liability PDF to receive access to the sale, transfer, and lease return of the vehicle;
  • You might need the Release of Liability CA DMV Form to ensure that you are provided with the right information about the buyer and will not be tricked;
  • The CA officials need DMV to release the liability form CA to be able to recognize the current owner of the vehicle.

How to Fill Out REG 138 Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability?

The Notice of Transfer and Release Liability is available on PDFLiner. The form is suitable for everyone and totally free. You can fill out the DMV CA Release of Liability PDF version online. Once it is ready, you can simply send it via email to another party. You can download the Release of Liability DMV Form on your device and keep it there. You may also print out the form. Here is what you need for completing the DMV forms release of liability:

  1. Provide detailed information about the new owner, including their name, address, and city.
  2. Include the information about the vehicle, noting its ID, model, and year.
  3. Write down the odometer reading, the date of the sale, and the price.
  4. Repeat the address and name of the new owner in the lowest section on the REG 138 form.

Organizations that work with REG 138 notice of transfer and release of liability

  • California State Department of Motor Vehicles.
Fillable online REG 138, Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability
(4.6 / 5) 108 votes
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