Fillable FL-341(C) Children s Holiday Schedule Attachment


(4.7 / 5) 46 votes

Get your FL-341(C) Children s Holiday Schedule Attachment in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill FL-341(C) Children s Holiday Schedule Attachment
  • 02 Sign it online Sign FL-341(C) Children s Holiday Schedule Attachment
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export FL-341(C) Children s Holiday Schedule Attachment

What Is Form FL-341(C)?

Child Custody Holiday Schedule California, or an FL-341(C) form, is a legal printable document released by the California Judicial Branch on July 1, 2016. It is used to clarify stipulations related to vacations and holidays children of a divorced couple will spend with each parent. No separate filing guidelines have been provided by the issuing department yet.

FL-341(C) Children s Holiday Schedule Attachment Screenshot

What do I need FL341C for?

If you have a child and are in the process of getting a divorce in California, you need to fill out a Holiday Schedule for Custody to:

  • indicate the exact time a child will spend with either you or your former spouse during particular holidays;
  • to specify the duration of a vacation a parent can take with the child (-ren);
  • to resolve any issues that might arise if a parent disagrees with the vacation plans, etc.

How to Fill Out Form FL-341C?

Step 1: Click the “Fill Out Form” button to get a fillable Form FL-341C template and complete it online.
Step 2: Enter the names of a petitioner, respondent, and another parent/party in the upper left corner of the Holiday Parenting Schedule.
Step 3: Mark the document you attach the Holiday Visitation Schedule to (Petition, Response, Request for Order, etc.).
Step 4: In the 1st column of Box 1, mark the time your child will spend with a parent. Specify the parent in column 2. Indicate each party's years (odd/even-numbered years or both) in the remaining columns.
Step 5: On page 2, fill out blank lines for other holidays not specified in the Custody Holiday Schedule template and enter the vacation-related data.
Step 6: After filling out the blank, click on the "Export" or "Share" button, depending on your need.

Organizations that work with form FL-341(C)

  • Judicial Council of California
Fillable online FL-341(C) Children s Holiday Schedule Attachment
(4.7 / 5) 46 votes
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