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OREA Form 500

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(4.9 / 5) 101 votes
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Get your OREA Form 500 in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill OREA Form 500
  • 02 Sign it online Sign OREA Form 500
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export OREA Form 500

What Is OREA Form 500?

OREA commercial agreement of purchase and sale or OREA 500 form was created by the Ontario Real Estate Association to clarify and simplify relations between buyer and seller. This is an official agreement that must be signed by both parties after negotiations on property purchase. OREA form 500 PDF can be used to sell or buy the Ontario land that is still vacant.

OREA Form 500 in PDFLiner editor

What do I need the OREA 500 commercial agreement of purchase and sale for?

This form was created for commercial use. It was made to protect both parties’ interests. You may need OREA forms amendment to agreement of purchase and sale in case:

  • You are a buyer and want to specify the conditions of purchase and make sure you are protected by law. Realtors believe the form has a pro-purchaser atmosphere since it keeps buyer’s interests as a top priority;
  • The fillable form is used by the seller to clarify the conditions of purchase, including money transactions details, due dates, and guarantees.

You may either file online or download it from this page at PDFLiner. It contains 7 pages of the agreement. Most of it consists of explanations.

Organizations that work with form OREA  500

  • Ontario Real Estate Association;
  • Officials from Ontario.

How to Fill Out OREA Form 500?

Step 1: Provide the date of the agreement.

Step 2: Include the name of buyer and seller.

Step 3: Name the address of the property and details on its sizes.

Step 4: State the purchase price and the deposit that buyer pays in the first place. Name the deposit holder.

Step 5: Share the details on payment, irrevocability, completion date.

Step 6: Provide information on fixtures, rental items.

Step 7: Include the information on the witnesses, signatures, dates.

Step 8: Sign the document and put the initials on every page.

OREA 500 Form in PDFLiner editor

Form Versions

2014 Fillable OREA Form 500 for 2014 Fill Out Form

FAQ: OREA Form 500 Popular Questions

  • How to get OREA commercial agreement of purchase and sale form 500?

    To get OREA Form 500, you can contact the Ontario Real Estate Association or visit their website. You can also ask your real estate agent. Another way to get it is to fill it out and download from PDFLiner. 

  • How to sign OREA standard forms?

    To sign the form electronically, click the "Sign Field" and choose one of the 4 ways to create a signature and make one. After that, click the "Sign" button. 

Fillable online OREA Form 500
(4.9 / 5) 101 votes
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