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Montana Real Estate Contract


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Get your Montana Real Estate Contracts in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Montana Real Estate Contracts
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Montana Real Estate Contracts
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Montana Real Estate Contracts

What Are Montana Real Estate Contract Forms, and Why Do You Need One?

Montana real estate contracts are a legal agreement between a buyer and a seller that outlines the terms and conditions of a property sale. It includes information about the property being sold, the purchase price, the closing date, and any contingencies that must be met before the sale can be completed. The contract protects both parties interests and ensures that the transaction is completed fairly and legally.

Montana Real Estate Contract Form Screenshot

Key components of the real estate contract for deed Montana

Montana real estate contract template covers several essential components, including:

  • Purchase Price: outlines the purchase price of the property and any contingencies regarding the sale.
  • Earnest Money Deposit: outlines the earnest money deposit, which is the amount the buyer pays to show their intent to purchase the property.
  • Financing: outlines the financing terms for the transaction, including the type of financing and the financing contingency.
  • Closing Details: outlines the closing details, including the closing date and location and the distribution of funds.

How To Fill Out the Montana Real Estate Sales Contract Online

Filling out a Montana real estate contract can be daunting; however, it could be a straightforward process with the right tools and guidance. One such tool is the PDFliner website, which allows you to fill out and sign the form online. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to fill it out on PDFliner.

  1. Begin by entering the date of the agreement on the form.
  2. Under "Agreement," fill in the full legal names of the buyer(s) and the seller(s).
  3. In the "Property" section, provide the complete address of the property, including street address, city, county, and state.
  4. Fill in the "Earnest Money" section with the amount of the deposit, the name of the escrow agent, and the address where the deposit will be held.
  5. In the "Purchase Price" section, enter the total purchase price agreed upon by both parties, in both words and numbers.
  6. In the "Financing Terms" section, select the type of financing (Conventional, FHA, VA, or Other) and provide the necessary details about the loan, such as the amount, interest rate, and terms.
  7. Fill in the "Closing Costs" section to specify how property taxes, utility charges, and other expenses will be prorated between the buyer and seller at closing.
  8. Complete the "Closing Date" section by specifying the closing date and the date when the buyer will take possession of the property.
  9. Complete the "Inspection" and "Property Condition" sections by filling in the required information about the inspections to be performed, the timeframe for inspections, and the condition of the property as agreed upon by both parties.
  10. In the "Inclusions and Exclusions" section, list any specific items that are included or excluded from the sale.
  11. In the "Contingencies" section, list any contingencies that must be met before the sale can be finalized, such as financing approval, sale of the buyer's current home, or satisfactory inspection results.
  12. Complete the "Notices and Disclosures" section by providing the necessary information about any required notices or disclosures, such as lead-based paint, radon, or other environmental hazards.
  13. In the "Signatures" section, both the buyer(s) and seller(s) must sign and date the agreement, acknowledging that they have read, understood, and agree to the terms and conditions of the Montana Residential Purchase Agreement.
  14. If applicable, fill in any necessary addendums or attachments to the agreement, such as disclosure forms, inspection reports, or other supporting documents.
  15. After completing the form, click on the "Save" button on PDFliner's toolbar to save your filled-out document. You can now download, print, or share the completed form as needed by using the appropriate buttons on PDFliner's toolbar.

Remember, it's essential to review the entire form carefully to ensure all information is accurate and complete before submitting it to the relevant parties.

Fillable online Montana Real Estate Contracts
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