Form RF421 Residential Lease


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What Is a Tennessee Residential Lease Agreement For Single Family Dwelling

A Tennessee Residential Lease Agreement for Single Family Dwelling is a legally binding contract drafted between a landlord and a tenant. It outlines the terms and conditions under which the tenant may occupy and use the single-family dwelling located in Tennessee. This agreement covers various details, including but not limited to rent amount, deposit requirements, lease duration, and the obligations and rights of both parties involved. It is designed for use in Tennessee and adheres to the state's laws governing residential leases.

When to Use Tennessee Residential Lease Agreement For Single Family Dwelling

There are several situations where utilizing a Tennessee Residential Lease Agreement for Single Family Dwelling becomes essential:

Renting to New Tenants:

Whenever a property owner decides to rent out a single-family dwelling in Tennessee, this agreement should be used to ensure both parties have a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities.

Renewing a Lease:

If both the landlord and the tenant agree to extend the duration of an existing lease, this agreement can formalize that arrangement.

Lease Amendments:

Any changes to the terms of an existing lease (e.g., pet policy, utility payment responsibilities) should be documented using this agreement to avoid future disputes.

How To Fill Out Residential Lease Agreement For Single Family Dwelling

Filling out a Residential Lease Agreement for Single Family Dwelling demands attention to detail. Follow the step-by-step guide below to ensure accuracy and completeness:

Identify the Parties:

Start by providing the full names of the landlord (or property management company) and the tenant(s). Ensure the names are spelled correctly.

Property Description:

Clearly describe the property being leased, including the address and any specific identifiable information about the single-family dwelling.

Lease Duration:

Specify the start and end dates of the lease term. The dates must be clear, whether it's a fixed-term or month-to-month lease.

Rent Details:

Enter the monthly rent amount, due date, and late fee arrangements. Also, detail how and where the rent should be paid.

Security Deposit:

State the amount of the security deposit required and the conditions under which it may be retained or refunded at the end of the lease.

Rules and Regulations:

Outline any rules regarding pets, noise levels, maintenance responsibilities, and any other relevant policies.


Ensure both the landlord and tenant sign and date the agreement. Witness signatures may also be required depending on local laws.

When to File Residential Lease Agreement For Single Family Dwelling Tennessee

The Residential Lease Agreement for Single Family Dwelling in Tennessee must not be filed with any government agency. However, it is crucial to have the agreement signed before the tenant moves into the property. This document serves as a key piece of evidence in any legal dispute between the landlord and tenant, so it should be kept secure for the duration of the lease term and for a reasonable period afterward. Both parties should have copies of the signed agreement for their records.

Fillable online Form RF421 Residential Lease
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