Form Pedigree Chart (6 Generation)


(4.8 / 5) 59 votes

Get your Form Pedigree Chart (6 Generation) in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template
  • 02 Sign it online
  • 03 Export or print immediately

Understanding the 6 Generation Family Tree Chart

A 6 generation pedigree chart, as implied in the name, is focused on representing six generations of your ancestry. Your name is typically on the base of this chart, while your parents, both maternal and paternal, will be on the second level. The grandparents are the third, and the pattern proceeds upwards to the sixth generation, which generally consists of your great-great-great-grandparents.

Importance of a 6-generation pedigree chart

Heritage plays an important role in understanding where we come from and the characteristics and values that have been passed down in our families. A 6 generation pedigree chart fillable template serves to fulfill this purpose, allowing individuals to track and visualize their ancestors and providing a clear layout of lineal and lateral connections.

How to Fill Out 6 Generation Pedigree Chart PDF

A question about completing this pedigree chart is a common one that arises when dealing with a 6-generation pedigree chart for the first time. Although the task may seem daunting, it's less complicated than it appears:

  1. Start with the "Completed by" field at the bottom of the document. Type in the full name of the person for whom you are creating this pedigree. This person is generally referred to as the proband.
  2. Next type in the "Date" box with the current date, month, and year.
  3. Continue upwards to the parents' section. For each parent, enter their full name in the two respective fields labeled "Father's Name" and "Mother's Name". 
  4. For each individual entered in the pedigree chart, fill in the associated "Birth/change" and "Death/burial" fields. For these sections, include as much known data as possible including date, place, and any other relevant information. 
  5. Proceed to the grandparents' fields above the parents' fields. Fill in the "Grandfather (Paternal)" and "Grandmother (Paternal)" fields on the left, and "Grandfather (Maternal)" and "Grandmother (Maternal)" on the right. Include full names.
  6. For these grandparents, fill in their individual "Birth/change" and "Death/burial" fields as well. 
  7. Move on to the great-grandparents' fields, repeating the earlier steps. Make sure to include the great-grandfather and great-grandmother on both the paternal and maternal side.
  8. Continue filling out each generation's sections in the same way, ensuring that every known person is included. 
  9. For each filled entry, if applicable, write down the marriage details including the date and place of the marriage, under the "Marriage/children" field. 
  10. Repeat the process for all remaining generations up to the 6th generation. 
  11. Once all the information is filled out, you can revise the details to make sure everything entered is accurate.  
  12. After reviewing, you may save the document in your preferred location on your device print it, or share it through email using the icons at the top right corner of the webpage. 

Utilizing a 6 generation chart 

There are several scenarios where a 6 generation chart might be most aptly applied.

  • Curiosity About Ancestry: An interest in connecting with one's past is a principal reason to use a printable 6 generation pedigree chart. It aids in bringing your lineage to life, helping you gain insight into your heritage and family influences. 
  • Research Purposes: This chart is a valuable tool for genealogical research and can often unearth unknown or forgotten family history. It helps to visualize patterns, traits, or connections over the generations.
  • Health History: Tracing health issues and genetic traits in families is another common use of a 6-generation chart. Health professionals sometimes use these charts to trace medical conditions that can be passed down in generations. 
  • Documentation and Record Keeping: Families may also choose to fill out a 6-generation chart simply to keep a comprehensive record of their lineage. This document serves as a valuable historical record for future generations.
  • Cultural Necessities: In some cultures, maintaining a complete record of one's ancestry is a necessity or a tradition. 
  • Communicating Your Heritage: A completed chart can serve as a visual tool to share your lineage with other family members, especially the younger ones. This can help them feel more connected to their family history.
  • Reconnecting With Distant Relatives: Using the 6-generation chart, you might discover distant relatives you were unaware of. This could present an opportunity to reconnect and further extend your family tree.6
Fillable online Form Pedigree Chart (6 Generation)
(4.8 / 5) 59 votes
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