Form HSMV 83039, Application for Disabled Person Permit


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Get your Form HSMV 83039, Application for Disabled Person Permit in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Form HSMV 83039, Application for Disabled Person Permit
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Form HSMV 83039, Application for Disabled Person Permit
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Form HSMV 83039, Application for Disabled Person Permit

What is a Form HSMV 83039?

The printable Form HSMV 83039 is a simple one-page blank to be filled out to get a parking permit in reserved areas for disabled persons. It should be filled out not by the applicant who will receive the permit but by their physicians or certifying practitioners. It also requires placeholders to provide proof of identity (such as an ID card).

Form HSMV 83039 on PDFLiner

What do I need the Application for Disabled Person Parking Permit for?

  • If you have a health issue (temporary or permanent) that causes your disability, you are eligible for a special parking authorization under Section 320.0848 of Florida Statutes.
  • To receive these privileges, you must fill in HSMV 83039.PDF and submit it to the motor vehicle service center in the county in which you reside.
  • This permission entitles you to disabled parking in any state.

How to Fill Out Florida Application for Disabled Person Parking Permit?

  1. Enter the disabled person's name, address, date of birth, contact information, and driver's license number. If possible, the applicant must put their signature. If it is impossible, their guardian can do it.
  2. Select the type of permission: permanent or temporary. For the second, you need to specify the exact period.
  3. Check one or more reasons for disability from the list.
  4. Enter the certifier's license number, name, work address, and telephone number. They must put their signature.
  5. If an organization transports a disabled person, you need to enter its business data: name, name of the official representative, and address.
  6. Download Form HSMV 83039 and print it out to bring it to the office.

Form HSMV 83039 on PDFLiner

Organizations that work with HSMV 83039 Florida

Fillable online Form HSMV 83039, Application for Disabled Person Permit
(5 / 5) 91 votes
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