Fillable Form 2587


(5 / 5) 99 votes

Get your Form 2587 in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template
  • 02 Sign it online
  • 03 Export or print immediately

1. What is the 2587 form?

The fillable 2587 form is also known as the application for special enrollment examination. Unlike many similar tax forms, while you may download the 2587 from the IRS website, it must be submitted to Prometric acts on behalf of the IRS. Before paying for the examination, you have to provide the 2587 form.

2. What I need the 2587 form for?

  • This form is used for individuals who want to pass the special enrollment examination;
  • Everyone who wants to receive the certificate from this examination or be allowed to pass it must file the blank in advance. You will receive the credential letter from the examination center with the specific candidate number;
  • You don’t have to use this form if you don’t have to pass the exam, as it is not free of charge and you will unlikely to receive your money back.

3. How to fill out the 2587 form?

This is not a business form, and you don’t have to file it for your tax year. If you want to take part in the exam, you have to pay for this. While the form is free, you still need to pay $182 for every part of the exam. There are three parts, and the fee is not refundable.

The form is available as a pdf on the IRS website or this page. You can print it or file it online. It is one page long with detailed instructions:

  • Indicate your name and address, including ZIP code;
  • Include the phone number information. If you have 2 numbers, mention them both;
  • State the birth date and the PTIN.

4. Organizations that work with the 2587 form

  • The IRS;
  • Prometric 300 testing centers.
Fillable online Form 2587
(5 / 5) 99 votes
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