Wisconsin Commercial Lease Agreement


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Get your Wisconsin Commercial Lease Agreement in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Wisconsin Commercial Lease Agreement
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Wisconsin Commercial Lease Agreement
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Wisconsin Commercial Lease Agreement

What Is a Wisconsin Commercial Lease Agreement

A Wisconsin Commercial Lease Agreement is a legally binding between a landlord and a business owner. It outlines the terms under which the business owner rents commercial property in Wisconsin for business purposes. This can include office spaces, retail stores, warehouses, and more. The agreement specifies rent payments, lease duration, allowable use of the property, and responsibilities for repairs and maintenance. Understanding this contract is crucial for both parties to ensure that the property meets the needs of the business while safeguarding the interests of the property owner.

When to Use The Wisconsin Commercial Lease Agreement Form

The form is essential in several situations:

  • Entrepreneurs starting new ventures require a physical location.
  • Existing businesses seeking to expand their footprint need additional space.
  • Companies are relocating their operations to Wisconsin or better locations within the state.
  • Businesses whose current premises no longer meet their needs due to growth, downscaling, or operational changes.

This form ensures all parties have clear expectations and legal protections throughout the lease term.

How To Fill Out Wisconsin Commercial Lease Agreement PDF

Filling out the agreement involves a series of steps to ensure all necessary information is accurately captured:

Identify the Parties: 

Start by entering the full names and contact information of the landlord and the tenant/business owner.

Describe the Premises: 

Clearly define the property being leased, including the address and specific details like the suite or unit number.

Lease Term and Renewal: 

Specify the start and end dates of the lease term. Include options for renewal if applicable.

Financial Terms: 

Enter the monthly rent amount, security deposit, and additional fees or charges. Outline payment schedules and methods.

Permitted Use of Premises: 

Define what the property will be used for, ensuring it aligns with zoning laws and the landlord’s expectations.

Maintenance and Repairs: 

Detailed responsibilities for upkeep, including who handles major repairs and day-to-day maintenance tasks.


Both parties must review the completed agreement, sign it, and date it to make it legally binding.

Ensure you review all entered information for accuracy and completeness before signing.

When to File Commercial Lease Agreement Template Wisconsin

Filing the commercial lease agreement should be done under the following circumstances:

  • Once both parties sign the agreement, it is the lease's official contract.
  • A revised agreement should be filed if any modifications are made to the lease terms during its duration.
  • If parties agree to extend the lease at the end of a lease term, the renewal agreement should be properly documented and filed.

This ensures that all agreements are up-to-date and legally enforceable, protecting the landlord and the tenant.

By following these guidelines, parties entering a Wisconsin Commercial Lease Agreement can ensure that their legal and business interests are adequately protected. This understanding and proper documentation are invaluable for businesses operating within commercial premises in Wisconsin.

Fillable online Wisconsin Commercial Lease Agreement
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