TX19 Asking for a Clearance Certificate


(4.5 / 5) 49 votes

Get your TX19 Asking for a Clearance Certificate in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill TX19 Asking for a Clearance Certificate
  • 02 Sign it online Sign TX19 Asking for a Clearance Certificate
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export TX19 Asking for a Clearance Certificate

Understanding the TX19 Asking for a Clearance Certificate

The TX19 Asking for a Clearance Certificate is an official form used by individuals, trustees or legal representatives who are responsible for a deceased person's property. The purpose of the form is to seek approval from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to distribute the properties, securities, and assets of the deceased once all tax obligations have been settled.

Why do you need a TX19 form?

To distribute a deceased individual's property, legal representatives need to be assured that all tax liabilities have been cleared. If unsure, they might run into the risk of personal liability for any unpaid taxes. Here, the TX19 form, also known as asking for a clearance certificate revenue Canada, becomes crucial. Submitting this form and getting a clearance certificate from the CRA provides the legal representative or heirs with protection against further tax claims related to the properties they distributed or acquired.

How to Fill Out Form TX19 Asking for a Clearance Certificate

Here’s a detailed guide to assist you in filling out the TX19 asking for a clearance certificate form template on PDFLiner:

  1. Start by entering the identification information at the top of the form, including the name of the deceased, corporation, or trust, the corresponding address, and the social insurance number or trust account number as applicable.
  2. Under the section labeled "Legal representative," provide your name. If there is more than one legal representative, use a separate sheet to include details for others.
  3. Enter the legal representative's address, email (if electronic communication is preferred), telephone number, and specify your capacity (such as executor, administrator, etc.).
  4. Select the type of clearance certificate you are requesting by checking the appropriate box and indicate what type of tax return(s) you have filed. Specify related dates such as the date of death, wind-up date, or last fiscal period ending filed, depending on the type of return.
  5. Under the "Certification and undertaking" section, sign the form to certify that all necessary taxes, contributions, and penalties for which the entity is liable have been paid or secured, and agree to complete the distribution of property promptly after receiving the clearance certificate.
  6. Attach all required documents as listed in the instructions, which may include a copy of the taxpayer’s will, trust agreements, a list of assets, and the completed Form AUT-01 to authorize a representative for offline access.
  7. Ensure that you have submitted all necessary tax returns and have received the relevant notices of assessment or reassessment. Verify that all taxes, Canada Pension Plan contributions, employment insurance premiums, and any related interest and penalties have been fully paid or properly secured.
  8. Review the filled form and attached documents for accuracy and completeness to avoid delays in processing. Double-check that no required sections are left blank and that all attachments are clearly labeled and organized.
  9. Once everything is prepared, choose your submission method—either online through My Account, Represent a Client, or My Business Account services, or by mail to the designated regional tax services office based on the province of the legal representative.

Ensure you follow each step accurately to facilitate a smooth processing of your request for a Clearance Certificate.

Fillable online TX19 Asking for a Clearance Certificate
(4.5 / 5) 49 votes
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