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RBC Bank Statement Template


(4.6 / 5) 89 votes

Get your RBC Bank Statement Template in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill RBC Bank Statement Template
  • 02 Sign it online Sign RBC Bank Statement Template
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export RBC Bank Statement Template

Comprehensive Guide to RBC Bank Statement Template

Bank documents like the bank statement are crucial for both personal and business financial management. For Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) customers, accessibility to these documents can make banking processes faster and more straightforward.

Understanding the RBC Bank Statement

Before diving into the use of the PDFliner platform, it's essential to understand the RBC bank statement. As a crucial financial document, it provides a comprehensive record of all transactions made on your account within a specified period. From deposits, withdrawals, check clearance, direct debits, transfers to interest earned, everything will be detailed in your RBC bank statement.

Benefits of the RBC Bank Statement Template on PDFliner:

Using the RBC Bank Statement Template on PDFliner comes with various benefits. First, users can find it significantly quicker to locate the particular template they require. Thus, saving you time and energy. 

Additionally, filling out the bank statement through this platform can be done in a matter of moments. There's more on the site with a built-in AI that can answer your questions on the forms or help summarize them. Lastly, the multipurpose functionality that allows you to save, share, sign, or print the statement instantly makes financial management very convenient.

How to Fill Out Bank Statement RBC

Here's a detailed guide on how to fill out the RBC bank statement PDF template:

  1. Start with the 'Personal Information' section. Enter your first name, middle name, and surname in the respective fields. 
  2. Include your social insurance number and date of birth in the format specified (Month, Day, Year).
  3. Next, provide your complete home address including apartment or P.O. box number, street and number, city or town, province, and postal code. 
  4. Fill in your home telephone number, business telephone number, and your marital status. Specify the number of dependents you have.
  5. Under 'Principal bank or financial institution', write the name and address of your main banking institution. Include your savings and chequing account numbers.
  6. In the 'Employment Information' area, input your gross income details such as annual salary or wages, commissions, bonuses, dividends, interest, and rental income. 
  7. If applicable, add any other sources of income, itemizing each source.
  8. For 'Spouse's Gross Income', enter relevant details if applicable, including salary, wages, and any other income, clearly listing different income sources.
  9. List your yearly expenses such as mortgage or rent payments, real estate taxes, income taxes, insurance premiums, and payments towards credit cards, alimony, or child support. 
  10. Sum these up to calculate your total annual expenses.
  11. Move to 'Assets and Liabilities'. List all your assets such as cash in Royal Bank and other institutions, life insurance cash surrender value, retirement accounts, marketable securities, real estate, and other significant assets, ensuring each item is clearly described.
  12. Under 'Liabilities', note all your obligations like mortgages on real estate, credit card debts, and other debts, providing specifics for each category including total amounts and balances owed.
  13. Calculate your net worth by subtracting total liabilities from total assets and enter this figure in the provided space.
  14. In the 'Sundry Obligations' section, disclose any contingent obligations not listed elsewhere such as guarantees or endorsements, specifying the liability amount, to whom it is owed, and the nature of the obligations.
  15. Answer the questions in the 'General Information' section regarding past financial conduct such as asset repossession, involvement in claims or lawsuits, bankruptcy, and unpaid taxes. Provide details where necessary.
  16. Next, complete the schedules (A through F) attached to the form that require detailed listings of securities, real estate, insurance, retirement accounts, business interests, and bank loans, ensuring all fields are accurately filled out based on the instructions for each schedule.
  17. Finally, sign and date the form in the designated area at the bottom of the page to declare that all provided information is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. 
  18. Confirm that the information will be used by the bank to assess your creditworthiness and that any loan obtained will be used for business purposes.
Fillable online RBC Bank Statement Template
(4.6 / 5) 89 votes
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