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Ohio Minor Child Power of Attorney


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Power of Attorney (POA) for Minors in Ohio

The Power of Attorney (POA) for a minor child in Ohio is a legal document that allows a parent or guardian to delegate their decision-making rights regarding the child’s health, education, and other important matters to another responsible adult. This document can be instrumental in situations where the parent or guardian is unable to care for the child due to illness, work commitments, or other circumstances.


Importance and Purpose of POA for Minors

The POA for a minor child is vital as it ensures the child’s wellbeing in the absence of the parent or guardian. It allows another trusted adult to make important decisions on behalf of the child, providing peace of mind for the parent or guardian that their child’s interests are being looked after.

Types of Power of Attorney for Minors in Ohio

There are three types of POA for minors in Ohio:

Type Description
Custodial POA This type grants the appointed agent the authority to make decisions about the child’s living arrangements and day-to-day care.
Durable POA This type remains in effect even if the parent or guardian becomes incapacitated.
Limited POA This type is used for a specific period or event, like a trip or medical procedure.

How to Fill Out an Ohio Minor Child Power of Attorney Form

  1. Begin by providing the names and addresses of the parent(s) or guardian(s) and the appointed agent.
  2. Specify the type of POA (Custodial, Durable, Limited).
  3. Indicate the duration of the POA.
  4. List any limitations or restrictions for the agent.
  5. Sign and date the form in the presence of a notary public.

Free Downloadable and Fillable Ohio Minor Child POA Form

You can download a free, fillable Ohio minor child POA form here.

Fillable online Ohio Minor Child Power of Attorney
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