Form 8992

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(4.6 / 5) 83 votes
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Get your Form 8992 in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template
  • 02 Sign it online
  • 03 Export or print immediately

Overview of IRS Form 8992

Form 8992 is made available by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in a printable format to facilitate taxpayers in reporting their GILTI. Accessing the IRS tax form 8992 is straightforward through the PDFliner website. The availability of the form in a digital format allows you to easily download, print, share, and fill out the necessary information without dealing with the hassle of paper documents.

Essentials of IRS form 8992 printable version

In the digital age, many taxpayers seek the convenience of printable tax forms. The IRS form 8992 printable version is readily available for download, allowing taxpayers to complete the form offline if they prefer. However, one should ensure they are using the correct version for the tax year in question, as there may be updates or changes that impact the computation of GILTI.

How to Fill Out the IRS 8992 Form

Successfully completing Form 8992 demands precision and an understanding of international tax rules. Here are the key completing form 8992 instructions: 

  1. Begin by entering the filing individual's full name in the provided field labeled for the filer's name.
  2. Insert the filer's identifying number, such as a Social Security Number (SSN) or Employer Identification Number (EIN), in the adjacent field.
  3. Move to the next section, where you'll type in the name of the U.S. shareholder if it's different from above.
  4. Provide the U.S. shareholder's identifying number, which can also be an SSN or EIN, in the designated space.
  5. Proceed to the section focused on the net income of controlled foreign corporations under U.S. control.
  6. Fill in the required financial information for each specified category to report the income from foreign entities.
  7. Navigate to the area dedicated to computing the income affected by international low-tax intangible assets.
  8. Carefully calculate and enter the values as instructed to reflect the Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income inclusion.
  9. Review all entered information for accuracy to ensure compliance and prevent errors in the computation and reporting of the GILTI.

Simplifying the filing process with PDFliner

PDFliner simplifies the filing process of IRS Form 8992, providing an intuitive platform where taxpayers can find all the required forms and instruction guides. Here, you may fill out and manage different IRS tax documents online, streamlining the submission process and saving time and reducing the likelihood of making errors. 

PDFliner provides a safe and easy way to sign documents online. Also, you may send a finished form for a sign to another person even if this person is not registered on the PDFliner site.

Form Versions

2021 Form 8992 (2021) Fill Out Form
2020 Form 8992 (2020) Fill Out Form
Fillable online Form 8992
(4.6 / 5) 83 votes
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