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Fillable AIG Name and Address Change Form


(4.7 / 5) 98 votes

Get your AIG Name and Address Change Form in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill AIG Name and Address Change Form
  • 02 Sign it online Sign AIG Name and Address Change Form
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export AIG Name and Address Change Form

What Is the AIG Life Insurance Change of Address Form?

The AIG life insurance change of address form is a document that allows policyholders to update their contact information with AIG for their life insurance policies. This form is necessary if a policyholder has recently moved or changed their address, phone number, or email address. Policyholders may update their contact information to ensure they receive important communication from AIG without any delays or errors.

AIG Name and Address Change Form Screenshot

Why do I need to fill out the AIG change of address form?

It's important to keep your personal information up to date on your insurance policy to ensure that you receive important notifications and that your policy remains valid. If you have moved or changed your name, you must fill out the AIG name and address change document to update your policy.

How To Fill Out AIG Name Change Form

To complete the AIG name and address change fillable template on the PDFliner website, follow these steps:

  1. In the first field "Policy Identification," enter all recured information, such as your policy number, policy type, SSN/ITIN or EIN, and your name as it appears on the policy. Your address, email address, and phone number may also be required.
  2. In the same section, fill in all information about the co-owner, if applicable.
  3. In the "Name Change" section, enter the reason why you are changing the name and which part you are changing.
  4. In the "Address Change" section, check the box that applies to your situation. Don't forget to give your new details if you change your address.
  5. Review the information you entered to ensure it is correct and complete.
  6. "Signature and Date" is the last section of the form. Sign and date it in the appropriate fields provided.
  7. Once you have completed the form, click "Save" button. You may save the form to your device to print it out and mail it to AIG. Also, you may share it via email.

Benefits of using AIG insurance name change form on PDFliner

There are several benefits of using AIG name and address change form template on the PDFliner website:

  • It is a convenient and easy way to update your contact information with AIG.
  • The form is available online and can be accessed from anywhere at any time.
  • It saves time and eliminates the need to fill out a paper form.
  • The digital signature feature eliminates the need to print, sign, and scan the form.
Fillable online AIG Name and Address Change Form
(4.7 / 5) 98 votes
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