Michigan Standard Residential Lease Agreement


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Get your Michigan Standard Residential Lease Agreement in 3 easy steps

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  • 02 Sign it online Sign Michigan Standard Residential Lease Agreement
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Michigan Standard Residential Lease Agreement

Standard Michigan Residential Lease Agreement: Comprehensive Guide

When renting a residential property in Michigan, whether as a landlord or a tenant, it is essential to understand the intricacies of the state-specific laws and processes. The crucial part of these duties is understanding the standard Michigan residential lease agreement.

This agreement not only sets the foundation for the landlord-tenant relationship but also guarantees the protection of both parties' rights. With this article, you will be fully equipped with knowledge about the Michigan Standard Residential Lease Agreement Form. 

Importance of the Michigan standard residential lease agreement

The Michigan standard residential lease agreement is a legally binding document outlining the terms of a residential property lease. This could range from the monthly rent amount, security deposit requirements, maintenance responsibilities, to the occurrence of a possible lease violation.

This agreement is paramount for the smooth sailing of the landlord-tenant relationship. It clarifies responsibilities, prevents miscommunication, and is a key regulatory tool ensuring adherence to Michigan rental laws by both parties.

How to Fill Out Standard Residential Lease Agreement Michigan

To fill out the Michigan standard residential lease agreement template using the PDFliner website, follow these detailed steps:

  1. Begin by entering the landlord’s name(s) in the space provided for it. This should be done where the form states “We agree that,” followed by a blank line for the landlord’s or landlords’ name(s).
  2. Input the names of the tenants where indicated. 
  3. If the lease will have multiple tenants, make sure each tenant’s name is entered into the respective numbered lines designed for tenant names.
  4. For the leased property’s address, enter the complete street address, including city, state, and zip code in the section stating "The following premises to be used for private residential purposes only."
  5. Specify the lease term by filling in the start and end dates in the sections marked for the lease term's beginning and ending. 
  6. If opting for a month-to-month lease, only fill in the beginning date under the "Month-To-Month" heading.
  7. Enter the total rent amount for the entire term as well as the monthly rent amount in the space provided under "Rent."
  8. Specify where the rent payments should be sent by entering the landlord’s receiving address including the street address, apartment number if applicable, city, state, and zip code.
  9. If applicable, indicate the discount amount provided for on-time rent payments under the "Discounted Rent" section.
  10. Under "Security Deposit," enter the amount of the security deposit and the date it is payable.
  11. List the financial institution where the security deposit will be held, including its name and complete address.
  12. Specify any nonrefundable fees, such as a cleaning fee, by entering the respective amounts in the appropriate sections.
  13. Detail any stipulations concerning the occupancy limit, noting the maximum number of persons allowed and the consequences of exceeding this number.
  14. Outline which areas of the property cannot be used as sleeping rooms, if applicable.
  15. Enter the number of keys provided to the tenant and the charges for lost keys or lock changes under the "Keys/Locks" section.
  16. Complete the inventory checklist information, indicating the tenant has received it and will return a filled copy to the landlord.
  17. Fill in details about any appliances and other furnishings provided, ensuring to check off the items included with the premises.
  18. Note any additional terms regarding the use of the premises, such as conditions on subletting, requirements for renter’s insurance, and any rules regarding pets or parking.
  19. Finally, ensure all tenants and the landlord sign and initial where necessary to validate the agreement.

Legality and binding nature of the agreement

Legality is an essential aspect of the Michigan Standard Residential Lease Agreement. Once signed by both parties, it is binding and enforceable by law. Therefore, landlords and tenants must understand the terms and conditions thoroughly before the contract is made effective. Infringement of any of the terms by either party can lead to legal consequences. For instance, if a tenant fails to pay rent or a landlord does not maintain the premises as agreed, legal action may be taken

Fillable online Michigan Standard Residential Lease Agreement
(4.6 / 5) 62 votes
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