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Bill of Sale As Is (No Warranty)


(5 / 5) 43 votes

Get your Bill of Sale As Is (No Warranty) in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Bill of Sale As Is (No Warranty)
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Bill of Sale As Is (No Warranty)
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Bill of Sale As Is (No Warranty)

What is Bill of Sale Without Warranties?

The bill of sale without warranty or as-is bill of sale is something we still use nowadays. The form allows the buyer to receive goods from the seller without checking them. The buyer accepts the item with all the faults without the option to return it afterward. The seller does not provide any guarantees or warranties.

This form is widely used by online stores. Once the transaction is made and the form is signed by both parties, the title and the ownership are transferred to the person who made the purchase.

The document you sign is based on trust between the two sides. It also does not allow the client to repair or modify the product. You can still limit the warranty as the seller during the transaction. The most popular items that are sold in such ways are cars, boats, bikes, different equipment, personal property, and motorcycles. You can sell campers or any clothing items if you want. The main condition is to be able to sell the product for your client and sign the form in advance.

Bill of Sale As Is  on PDFLiner

What I need the Bill of Sale Without Warranties for?

  • The law allows the seller to create the form or use the standard one to sign the as-is deal with the buyer. It can set you free from numerous problems with clients’ demands for modifications and repair. While the price for such items under the signed form is lower, you get rid of long procedures and evaluations;
  • You may escape the problems with custom delivery and return. Once the client signs the document, you don’t have to pay for the return if the item is sent back. Client agrees that even without warranty and guarantee the product will be accepted;
  • As a client, you may find such a deal more convenient since you pay less than for the product with a guarantee.

How to Fill Out Bill of Sale Without Warranties?

The bill of sale without warranty form is used to sell and buy numerous items you are interested in. You can use this form to sell the property or vehicles. It is simple and usually only one page long. If you want to escape extra headaches with constant returns from clients, you can lower the price but provide as-is form rules.

You will find the template here on PDFLiner, along with others such as California's bill of sale. Enter it and you will be able to fill it out online. You don’t need to download it to be able to complete it. You can send the already completed document to your customer or to the seller by email. Yet, if you want to go the old fashioned way, save the original on your device, print it, and send it to the mail address of the receiver. Here are detailed instructions on how to fill it out:

  1. Write down the correct amount of money that must be paid for the item and both sides are previously agreed upon;
  2. Describe the item that must be sold or purchased. If you have several items on the list, just count them all;
  3. Document extra options and rights for the seller or buyer if you need in the document;
  4. Sign the document and put the date and let the other party sign the document and put the date as well. The witness has to sign the document as well. You can do it online, in the PDFLiner by creating an e-signature there.

Filling Bill of Sale As Is on PDFLiner

Organizations that work with Bill of Sale Without Warranties

  • Any buyer and seller that are working without warranties.
Fillable online Bill of Sale As Is (No Warranty)
(5 / 5) 43 votes
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