Form 13533


(5 / 5) 86 votes

Get your Form 13533 in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Form 13533
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Form 13533
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Form 13533

What is a 13533 Form? 

The fillable Form 13533 (VITA/TCE Partner Sponsor Agreement) is a yearly updated IRS (Internal Revenue Service) form that is designed to be used for providing sponsorship to the Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) or the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) volunteer organizations that assist in tax return preparation. This blank doesn’t have to be followed by other forms. This is not a business tax form. 

What I need the 13533 Form for?

  • This form is used for submitting your will to provide sponsor help to VITA and TCE volunteer organizations that work on tax return preparation programs;
  • By signing the form, you admit that you are agreeing with all the principles of these organizations and support their course;
  • The form doesn’t let you forward any amount of sponsor help to the beneficiaries as it serves only as an agreement. It’s recommended to get acquainted with the 13615 Form before signing this one. 

How to fill out Form 13533?

This tax form includes a single sheet and requires you to:

  • Read through all the key points of the agreement and learn your rights and duties that will become active after your sign and date the form;
  • In lines, 1-7, provide your personal/organizational information, such as sponsor name, address, contact telephone number, e-mail, ZIP, etc.;
  • Sign and date the form next to your printed name and file the form to the local IRS office. 

To fill this IRS form with more convenience, you can use PDFLiner’s online PDF editor. You can try all the features for free within a 10-day trial period. 

Organizations that work with Form 13533

  • Internal Revenue Service of the US.
Fillable online Form 13533
(5 / 5) 86 votes
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