Employment Verification Form - Georgia


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Get your Employment Verification Form - Georgia in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Employment Verification Form - Georgia
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Employment Verification Form - Georgia
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Employment Verification Form - Georgia

What Is an Employment Verification Form Georgia?

An integral part of business operations, hiring, and human resource management is employment verification. The process is smoothly conducted using an employment verification form. In the state of Georgia, this process takes a particular approach, given the unique employment laws.

Importance of the form use

The Georgia employment verification form plays a critical role in the hiring process. It safeguards employers from fraudulent information, guarantees a truthful job history, and promotes an open and transparent hiring process. It also assists potential candidates in proving their credentials and employment history. Its use encourages a thorough, accurate, and efficient hiring process, proving beneficial to employers and potential employees alike.

How to Fill Out the Georgia Employment Verification Form

To successfully complete this Georgia verification form, you need to follow the steps below:

  1. Start by navigating to the 'Requesting Organization' part of the form. This is where you'll input the name of your company or the entity seeking the employment verification.
  2. Move to the 'Contact Person' section and input your full name.
  3. Fill in the 'FAX / Phone' field with your contact phone number. 
  4. Proceed to the 'E-Mail Address' section. Here, enter a valid and functional email address where you can be contacted.
  5. Key in your firm's official mailing address within the 'Mailing Address' area. This should include your street name, city, state, and zip code. 
  6. The next step involves providing information about the employee. In the 'Name of Employee' section, type their full names as indicated on their employment records.
  7. Within the 'SSN (if known)' section, input the employee's social security number, if you have it. 
  8. Next, go to the 'Request received via' area and choose the method by which you received the employment verification request. This could be through email, mail, fax, phone, or another method.
  9. Record the date in which you received the request in the 'Date Request Received' section. 
  10. In the ‘Job Title’ section, write the employee's official position within your organization.
  11. For 'DHS Organizational Unit' fill in the portion of the organization where the employee is working or worked.
  12. Enter the 'Monthly Salary' of the employee for the position held.
  13. If applicable, complete the 'Hourly Rate' field, especially if the employee is or was working part-time or on an hourly basis.
  14. Record the date the subject of the verification started employment at your organization in 'Employment Begin Date.'
  15. If the employee is no longer working at your organization, input the termination date within the 'Employment End Date' part.
  16. Use the ‘Comments’ section to add any relevant remarks or clarifications regarding the employee’s employment status. 
  17. Completing the form involves adding your credentials. In the 'Name of Official' field, type your full name.
  18. State your role within the organization in the 'Job Title / DHS Organizational Unit' section
  19. Sign the form digitally at the 'Signature' section.
  20. Lastly, record the date when you filled in the employment verification form in the 'Date' section. 

Please always remember to verify all the details inputted before sending the form off to ensure that they are correct and truthful.

Key points to note while processing the form

Some key points to take note of when processing the form include:

  • Ensure Accuracy: The accuracy of the information provided should be beyond reproach. False information could lead to legal issues.
  • Privacy is Paramount: Never disclose an employee's private information without their written consent. 
  • Promptness: Process the request as soon as possible within a reasonable timeframe.
Fillable online Employment Verification Form - Georgia
(5 / 5) 69 votes
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