InsureSign Alternative

InsureSign is a solid digital signature tool with some great file editing features. If you’re currently on the hunt for a better PDF editing solution, we recommend that you test-drive PDFLiner as its closest competition. This PDF editing software with a user-friendly interface allows you to produce professionally-looking files from scratch via its top-notch form builder. With PDFLiner, you’ll forget that you ever read InsureSign reviews or looked up InsureSign pricing.

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  • Sign
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Upload your doc here & get started
Click ‘Upload Document’ or just drag and drop your file right here and start editing, signing, and sharing your files. We currently support PDF, JPG, and PNG formats. File size must not exceed 10 MB.
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1. Connect to Google Drive
2. Select your file
3. Upload file
Share viewing access to Google Drive and upload documents in PDF, JPG and PNG format.
Google Drive
Max. file size 10 MB
Find Fillable Documents Below
Find the required form in our extensive library by typing its name or description in the search form below. After that, edit and customize it the way you see fit.
Attach Documents From the Internet
Type the URL of the doc you want to add to PDFLiner. After that, feel free to edit, sign, and share it. We currently support PDF, JPG, and PNG formats.

What Both InsureSign and PDFLiner Offer

Both InsureSign and PDFLiner were created with their users’ increased productivity in mind. Below, we’ve listed the benefits that both these services offer:

  1. Upload/download PDFs: although InsureSign is primarily a digital signature tool, it also offers some basic functionality for working with PDF files.
  2. Add electronic signatures: create secure, legally binding digital signatures fast and easy.
  3. Email PDFs: with this handy feature, you get to share your PDFs with colleagues or partners.
  4. Responsive customer service: both platforms pride themselves in offering speedy help to their customers whenever they need it.

InsureSign vs PDFLiner: Why PDFLiner Is Better

InsureSign offers some really nice tools for working with PDF files. But those tools are pretty basic at best. If you’re searching for something more advanced, PDFLiner is right up your street. Here are some crucial reasons why PDFLiner is better than InsureSign:

  1. PDFLiner allows PDF-to-JPG-and-back conversion: easy and convenient.
  2. It comes with a huge catalog of form templates: construction, real estate, healthcare, government, tax and finance, etc. Just pick the required category or make the most of the document-search field to find the exact template you need in the PDFLiner library. 
  3. The platform features the password-protect-your-PDF tool for maximum security: your sensitive data is under strict protection with PDFLiner.
  4. It comes with a multitude of annotation possibilities that help you transform the files to your liking and save heaps of your time.
  5. PDFLiner’s file editing features are much ampler compared to InsureSign. With all that said, if you’re looking for some of the best (and yet affordable) InsureSign competitors, PDFLiner is what you should definitely have laser-like focus on.

Whether your file is native, scanned, or in JPG format, you can edit and share it in mere moments via PDFLiner

PDFLiner Fulfills the Needs of PDF Editor
Professionals Better than the InsureSign

Our document management tools make completion, storage, and revision of forms faster and more affordable than ever.

Upload/Download PDF
Email PDF
Capture Signature
Convert PDF to JPG
Add/Delete pages
Forms Catalog
Add Fillable Fields
Lock PDF
Annotate PDF

InsureSign assists you in editing and signing your documents online

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